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Responsive Tailwindcss Grid with Auto-Fit and Auto-Fill

Responsive Tailwindcss Grid with Auto-Fit and Auto-Fill

Learn to create responsive tailwind grids using autofit and autofill with code examples. Build CSS grid and masonry layout using this guide.

December 10, 20243 min readTailwindCSSCSS

In this post, I'll show you how to create responsive grids using TailwindCSS with auto-fit and auto-fill. These two powerful CSS Grid features allow your grids to adapt dynamically to their container size, making them perfect for responsive layouts.

TLDR; Entire code is available here: play.tailwindcss.com/ZkQemrksvh

Getting Started

To create responsive grids with auto-fit and auto-fill in TailwindCSS, you need to:

  1. Understand the difference between auto-fit and auto-fill.
  2. Write the HTML and TailwindCSS classes for your grid.
  3. Customize your Tailwind configuration to achieve the desired behavior (if needed).

What are auto-fit and auto-fill?

  • Auto-Fit: Compresses grid items to fit the available space, leaving empty cells as necessary.
  • Auto-Fill: Maintains consistent grid tracks, filling all possible slots, even if they are empty.

Let’s dive into the implementation.

HTML and TailwindCSS Code

Here’s a responsive grid example that dynamically adjusts the number of columns based on the container size using grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fit,_minmax(200px,_1fr))].

<section class="py-8 bg-black text-white">
  <h2 class="text-center text-2xl font-bold mb-6">Responsive Grid</h2>
  <div class="grid grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fit,_minmax(200px,_1fr))] gap-4 px-4">
    <div class="bg-blue-500 p-4 text-center rounded shadow">Item 1</div>
    <div class="bg-blue-500 p-4 text-center rounded shadow">Item 2</div>
    <div class="bg-blue-500 p-4 text-center rounded shadow">Item 3</div>
    <div class="bg-blue-500 p-4 text-center rounded shadow">Item 4</div>
    <div class="bg-blue-500 p-4 text-center rounded shadow">Item 5</div>
    <div class="bg-blue-500 p-4 text-center rounded shadow">Item 6</div>

Key TailwindCSS Classes Used

  • grid: Applies the CSS Grid layout.
  • grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fit,_minmax(200px,_1fr))]: Dynamically defines the number of columns based on available space.
  • gap-4: Adds spacing between grid items.

Auto-Fill Example

If you want consistent column behavior, even if some slots are empty, you can use auto-fill instead of auto-fit.

<div class="grid grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fill,_minmax(200px,_1fr))] gap-4">
  <!-- Add items here -->

Bonus: Tailwind Config Customization

Although TailwindCSS supports most grid functionalities out of the box, you can extend the default theme for more flexibility.

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      gridTemplateColumns: {
        autofit: 'repeat(auto-fit, minmax(200px, 1fr))',
        autofill: 'repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr))',
  plugins: [],

Now, you can use custom classes like grid-cols-autofit and grid-cols-autofill for brevity:

<div class="grid grid-cols-autofit gap-6">
  <!-- Items -->

Practical Use Case

Here’s a practical example for a responsive photo gallery:

<section class="py-8">
  <h2 class="text-center text-2xl font-bold mb-4">Photo Gallery</h2>
  <div class="grid grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fit,_minmax(150px,_1fr))] gap-4">
    <img class="rounded shadow" src="/images/photo1.jpg" alt="Photo 1" />
    <img class="rounded shadow" src="/images/photo2.jpg" alt="Photo 2" />
    <img class="rounded shadow" src="/images/photo3.jpg" alt="Photo 3" />
    <img class="rounded shadow" src="/images/photo4.jpg" alt="Photo 4" />


With just a few utility classes and configurations, you can create powerful, responsive grids in TailwindCSS. Whether you need adaptive layouts for photos, cards, or other content, auto-fit and auto-fill give you the flexibility to build stunning designs effortlessly.

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